Four Reasons To Plant Enlist™ Soybeans in 2020

Enlist E3™ soybeans received Chinese export approval early spring 2019, and interest for this soybean technology is high for the 2020 planting season. At Hoegemeyer, we were fortunate to have a good supply of Enlist E3™ soybeans to put on farm. Most growers who trialed the technology during the 2019 growing season experienced great results and have decided to plant their entire farm to the Enlist™ system this growing season. Here were just a few reasons the Enlist system is proven and in demand:
- Genetics - Hoegemeyer had whole field trials out across our Western Corn Belt footprint. Hoegemeyer brand Enlist E3 soybeans were not just competitive with our other soybean platforms, but outperformed most brands in third-party competitive trials. In Nebraska, Hoegemeyer brand 2540 E, 2820 E, and 3030 E topped the F.I.R.S.T. trials.
- Weed control - Enlist weed control system has a competitive advantage when it comes to controling problem weeds. With the Enlist system, there are three different modes of action to control problem weeds in season. Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant to Glyphosate™, Glufosinate, and 2,4-D. So, if you are dealing with glyphosate-resistant palmer amaranth or waterhemp, you still have two other products that can kill those weeds, where other traits on the market are relying on a single mode of action.
- Reduced physical drift - Physical drift has been in the headlines the past few growing seasons. With near-zero volatility and reduced potential for physical drift, Enlist™ herbicides featuring 2,4-D choline with Colex-D® technology are designed to land and stay on target. Enlist E3 soybeans are compatible with nearby non-susceptible crops such as corn and soybeans without the Enlist trait. You can apply Enlist herbicides on Enlist E3 soybeans planted right next to these non-susceptible crops without wind directional restrictions.
- Good supply - Enlist E3 soybean supply has been excellent going into the 2020 growing season. From a group 1.6 to 5.1, Hoegemeyer has Enlist soybeans available.
I think there are acres for Hoegemeyer Enlist soybeans on every farm. Even if you’re happy with your current herbicide platform, I encourage you to try at least one field of Hoegemeyer Enlist soybeans this growing season. I know will be glad you did during harvest in 2020. If you have any questions on products or the Enlist™ weed control system, feel free to contact your local Hoegemeyer DSM or agronomist.