Product Placement
Our agronomy team prides itself in providing information to help maximize your seed investment. Here are some resources to help you produce the most on every acre.
Planting Population Recommendations
We test each corn product across a wide range of planting populations to find the optimal seeding rate for yield and standability. For more information download our printable corn planting population recommendations for each product and yield environment.
New! 2025 Recommendations
Seed Corn Plantability Guidelines
Excellent planting accuracy and stands can be achieved with all seed sizes when using appropriate planter adjustments and calibration. These plantability guidelines are designed to provide management tips to help growers achieve maximum planter performance and precise planting accuracy with seed of all sizes.
High pH
We test our corn products in high pH soils to identify the products that will work best in your unique soil types. For more information on High pH soils download our printable PDF.
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Sandy Soils
Sandy soils require special management considerations to maintain high yields. For more information on Sandy soils download our printable PDF.
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Silage Corn
Hoegemeyer Silage Max hybrids offer maximum flexibility to fit your feeding and farming operation. Top-end grain potential and agronomics providing tonnage and quality you expect from silage products.
Beef Producers
Dairy Producers
If you have any questions, please contact your local Hoegemeyer agronomist.