Read the latest news, insights and growing tips from Hoegemeyer.
Hear from 2022 Intern, Trisha as she experiences work with agronomists and farmers in week 7.
ReadCrop water usage is a topic on the mind of many producers in the western corn belt this year.
ReadSulfur is a vital nutrient for high-yielding crops. I call it the fourth major element. To understand why sulfur is needed in a top-dress/side-dress application.
ReadHear from 2022 Intern, Connor he shares what he has learned from the sales kick-off meeting.
ReadHear from 2022 Intern, Trisha as she experiences work with agronomists in week 5.
ReadHear from 2022 Intern, Trisha as she experiences work with agronomists in week 4.
ReadAs our interns wrap up their first few weeks on the job, they share some of their experiences so far.
ReadWalking your emerging corn and soybean fields and assessing your stands is a key to raising a good crop. Uneven emergence can be caused by many factors. Identifying these fields that have potential issues and addressing the issues needs to happen in a timely manner