Using the Corn Plantability Website

Stuart Carlson, Northern Region Product Agronomist
March 20, 2025

Optimal planting accuracy and stands can be achieved with all seed sizes when using appropriate planter adjustments and calibration. Learn how to utilize our seed corn plantability tool to improve planting.

For the most precise recommendations, you can access information for individual seed batch numbers at

Entering Batch-Specific PLantability Information

Firstly you will enter the batch number that can be found on seed tag (outlined as #1 on the graphic) and your planter (#2).  The website will then populate a customized list with the plate or disc size (#3), pressure or vacuum setting (#4), RPM (#5), and the singulator setting (#6), in addition to the predicted seed drop for each individual batch and planter combination (#7)

Use recommended planter settings as a starting point to maximize planter performance and seed-drop accuracy. Further settings adjustments may be made to account for local field conditions and environmental factors.

For more questions regarding using this tool or other planting support, reach out to your local agronomist.