Hoegemeyer Hybrids Announces 2021 Scholarship Recipients
Hoegemeyer Hybrids is excited to announce the recipients of its 2021 Hoegemeyer Cares Scholarship: Bryston Warren from Kansas State University; Reagan Ross from Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture; Melissa Draves, Paige Kastner and Gavin Tindle from Iowa State University; Emily Plagman from Northeast Community College in Norfolk; and Valerie Bohuslavsky, Samuel VonSpreckelsen, Grant Turner and Madeline Sonnenfeld from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Each student received a $500 scholarship for the 2021-22 academic year to further their education and advocacy for the agriculture industry.
Together, Hoegemeyer Hybrids and its dealers provide the monies needed for the Hoegemeyer Cares Scholarship Fund.
Bryston Warren is a junior majoring in agricultural economics at Kansas State University. He is the son of Jennifer Warren from Odell, Nebr. He was involved in FFA throughout his high school career and is now involved with the College of Agriculture Ambassadors program at Kansas State University, promoting the college on and off campus and giving tours as an advocate for the program. After graduating, Bryston plans to work in agricultural policy, making a difference by protecting producers for many years to come.
Reagan Ross is a freshman at Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture studying diversified agriculture. He is the son of Hoegemeyer Dealer Vaughn and Stephanie Ross from Callaway, Nebr. Reagan has been involved in 4-H, held officer roles in FFA, and is a member of the One-Act Crew at his high school. Upon graduation, he plans to bring his knowledge back to the family farm.
Melissa Draves is a senior at Iowa State University studying genetics with a minor in agronomy. She is the daughter of Todd and Mary Draves of Ames, Iowa. Growing up an active member of 4-H and involved in her grandparents’ sheep farm, she developed a love for agriculture. Throughout college she has helped raise money for the university’s children’s hospital through the Iowa State Dance Marathon. After graduating, she plans to pursue a doctorate in plant breeding.
Paige Kastner is a freshman at Iowa State University studying agronomy with a focus on seed genetics. She is the daughter of Hoegemeyer dealer Kurt and Angie Kastner from Kiron, Iowa. She was the president of her high school FFA chapter and has gained leadership opportunities through the program. After graduating, she plans to work for a seed company or work in a lab developing different types of hybrids.
Gavin Tindle is a freshman at Iowa State University, majoring in agricultural business with a minor in animal science. He is the son of Jeff and Megan Tindle of Montezuma, Iowa. He developed a passion for agriculture through his time in 4-H and FFA, creating his own show goat business: Tindle Kids Boer Goats. Gavin plans to work for the Iowa State Extension Program, working with youth in rural communities to create future farmers.
Emily Plagman is a freshman at Northeast Community College in Norfolk, Nebr. studying agricultural education and communications. She is the daughter of Mike and Kristi Plagman of Cumberland, Iowa. She has learned responsibility through her active involvement with 4-H. After graduation, she hopes to help educate the next generation of farmers and teach others about agriculture.
Valerie Bohuslavsky is a junior at UNL, majoring in agribusiness with a minor in entrepreneurship and business. She is the daughter of Jeffrey and Dawn Bohuslavsky of David City, Nebr. She is actively involved in the Engler Entrepreneurship Program at UNL, which has helped develop her as an entrepreneur. Upon graduating, she hopes to work in sales or marketing in the agriculture industry.
Samuel VonSpreckelsen is a freshman at UNL, majoring in agricultural economics. He is the son of Scot and Robyn VonSpreckelsen of Clay Center, Nebr. He has held many roles in his local FFA chapter, including president, where he has gained valuable leadership skills and organized fundraisers. Upon graduation, he hopes to use his skills to help producers market and manage their commodities before returning to his family farm.
Grant Turner is a freshman at UNL, majoring in agribusiness. He is the son of Steve and Susan Turner of Trumbull, Nebr. He was actively involved in his local FFA chapter and has enjoyed the competitions. Upon graduation, he hopes to come back to work on the family farm. He wants to be an active member of his local agriculture community.
Madeline Sonnenfeld is a freshman at UNL, majoring in agribusiness and agricultural economics. She is the daughter of Jason and Jenny Nickel of Minden, Nebr. She is passionate about agriculture and is actively involved in FFA and showing cattle. After graduation she hopes to grow a show and commercial cow herd, using her education and skills to run her own business.
“The students studying agriculture right now are very driven and talented,” says Hoegemeyer general manager Jeremy Thompson. “We receive more than 200 excellent applications for this scholarship each year and we are excited to provide students with the opportunity to further their education in the agriculture industry.”
The primary target for this scholarship is high school seniors and college students who are pursuing a degree in agriculture, either at a two-year or four-year institution. Hoegemeyer plans to award ten $500 scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year. Interested students can check our website, , for scholarship applications starting in February 2022.
About Hoegemeyer Hybrids
Founded in 1937, Hoegemeyer Hybrids serves farmers with seed products specifically chosen for exceptional performance in the Western Corn Belt. For more information on Hoegemeyer Hybrids, including the company’s complete line of corn, soybeans, sorghum and alfalfa products, visit .