Read the latest news, insights and growing tips from Hoegemeyer.
Struggling with unexpected corn root lodging in your rotated acres? Learn about the hidden phenomenon of rootworm extended diapause, why it's becoming a bigger issue for growers, and what you can do to protect your crops. Dig into the details and solutions today!
ReadSulfur is a vital nutrient for high-yielding crops. I call it the fourth major element. To understand why sulfur is needed in a top-dress/side-dress application.
ReadCrop water usage is a topic on the mind of many producers in the western corn belt this year.
ReadTar spot, when the environment is right can adversely affect yield in corn. Management starting with genetic resistance and foliar fungicides to control the pathogen will be the key.
ReadCorn Rootworm pressure is high this summer. Now is the time to scout.
ReadThis spring, growers may have seen corn plants turn a dark reddish or purple color in their fields. Don’t be alarmed, this actually quite common during cold and/or wet springs. So, what causes this phenomenon?
ReadEvery planting season brings about different planting conditions. Several producers have made comments about late April (April 26th or later) planted corn coming up faster than corn planted around April 5th. People have asked if this is a difference between varieties? Why did the earlier planted corn take longer to emerge and seem to grow slower?
ReadThe 2021 planting season is quickly coming to an end, that means it’s time to start scouting the young emerging crop. Below are some tips and things to look for while you are out scouting your fields the next few weeks.